Digikonsultti – Commitment to excellence

Need help growing your business? Selling or buying a business or a company? A bit lost in the new digital business world?

I’m here to help you achieve your goals, whatever they are.

I was one of the founders of a successful start-up – before they were called start-ups. Then I was a corporate stooge for many years with a dozen of different roles – lastly reporting to the general counsel of a listed company. Now I’m an independent digital professional.

If you, your company and the challenges you are facing are interesting and intriguing, I would like to help you out and get your business growing. I am not motivated by billable hours and doing grunt work just for the sake of getting to send you an invoice.

But if you’re truly committed to building a beautiful digital business and your situation and its challenges pique my interest, I just might want to pour my knowledge, experience, sweat, and effort to help you best face those challenges – all for a fair price.

  • Acquisitions

    Successful acquisitions require experience and skill – whether you’re selling or buying. Acquisition projects shouldn’t be left solely for the lawyers if you truly want the deal to go through.

    The key in any transaction is understanding the business that is being sold. Having managed lots of successful acquisition projects, providing skillful and valuable expertise is what I can provide to you.

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  • Start-ups

    Working with start-ups can be bit of a shock to someone used to doing things the “corporate way”. It requires a certain mindset and understanding – and you also have to tolerate and embrace constant change.

    Those are also some of the reasons I love to work with start-up companies. Anything and everything is possible. You have to be able to learn and adapt every single day while trying to claw your way to the top.

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  • Content

    Content might be king, but not just any content. Whatever your goals are you probably aren’t going to reach them just spewing out blog posts or “viral” videos.

    You need a deeper understanding of what you’re doing, why and who you’re trying to reach – and to what effect. So let’s start with finding an answer to those questions first, and then formulating a well thought out content strategy.

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  • Other services

    Providing a very varied depth of knowledge on digital marketing, online sales, traffic sourcing, and many other ways in which to grow your digital business.

    Whether it’s optimizing your online marketing for the best results, generate more sales for digital publishers or help you on your SEO strategy, I’m your man.

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