
Working with start-ups can be bit of a shock to someone used to doing things the “corporate way”. It requires a certain mindset and understanding – and you also have to tolerate and embrace constant change.

Those are also some of the reasons I love to work with start-up companies. Anything and everything is possible. You have to be able to learn and adapt every single day while trying to claw your way to the top.

I myself was once part of a team of start-up founders, although that was in 2000 so no-one was yet even talking about start-ups. I also had a chance to try ways to collaborate and co-operate with start-up companies in a traditional corporate role for several years. And on top of that I have advised start-ups in various ways.

So get in touch and let’s see if I can be of use to your start-up. Whether it’s an advisory role or something more hands-on, I might be interested – if your idea, business and team matches your vision of where you want to go!